Wow, so much for dedication am I right? I apologize to my incredibly high readership for not posting for two months. But let me tell you about the last two months in one word. Amazing.
Don't think for a second I forgot about this blog, there were times that I really wanted to get back to it. Get back to exploring the "purpose" in life or whatever you want to call it. The thing is, I have not had the time to just sit in collect my thoughts and formulate them into meaningful strains of words.
That's the thing about college, you have to spend so much time thinking that you don't really have the time to actually think. There's always another page to be read, another paper to be typed, another 5 minutes of sleep to have...Bottom line, college is busy but I don't think I've wasted a single minute of it.
I moved to Iowa State on August 19th. What a day that was, leaving home, saying goodbye to my best friends, everything. The strange thing about all of that was that I wasn't upset about it one bit. Sure I knew I was going to miss my friends and family but I was way too excited for all the new experiences I knew I would have in college. And those experience have been great.
Going to a state school just under an hour away from home really didn't give me an excuse to be homesick, sometimes it feels like my entire high school just came up here. Other times it feels like an entirely different world. Rather than go through every experience I've had, every friend I've made, I'm just going to talk about some random things that I've learned.
Public Transportation: It's extremely useful, if you can figure it out.
Homework: Take your time on it and you might be okay, this isn't high school, copying during the free period before just doesn't fly anymore.
Studying: Let me know.
Group Projects: You can meet some cool people and also the people with whom you don't want to be stuck on a desert island.
Jobs/Careers/Future: You have a major but you can do so much more.
There are definitely things that can be added to this list as well as things that clearly need to be expanded upon. Hopefully that can be the topic of future blog posts. Don't worry, you didn't get rid of me just yet!
I apologize if you are offended by the lower level of diction being used, I'm in college now so I don't have the time to exert myself in thing of profound things to say in profound ways. Also, I'm 17 years old, bye. :-)